Resistance actions in commemoration of Mother’s Day in Nicaragua.

Por: Redacción Intertextual


On May 30, 2018, in Nicaragua, it was a bloody and painful scene that remained in the memory of Nicaraguans.


“The Ortega-Murillo regime ordered to shoot almost a million Nicaraguans, who were peacefully marching accompanying the mothers of more than thirty young people who were murdered in the framework of the protests that began on April 19, demanding justice and an exit from this regime. . On that date, 17 young people were murdered in different cities of the country. Four years after that massacre, the regime continues unpunished, and has embarked on a repressive escalation with the intention of silencing and subjugating the population through repression and permanent terror.” affirm the 56 signatory organizations in exile participating in the Plural Space for Dialogue of Nicaraguan Actors.


The Ortega government in Nicaragua added Mother’s Day to the national holidays. The re-elected Vice President Rosario Murillo mentioned in one of her routine morning announcements that “Article 66 of the labor code was reformed” to include Mother’s Day as a holiday. national.

For her part, Labor Minister Alba Luz Torrez Briones said that on May 26 the reform of the national holiday in Nicaragua was made official, saying “this Monday (May 30) is going to be a holiday and a long weekend for all families. .”


The press release stated, “May 30 is a mandatory national holiday, with the right to rest and salary for all the workers in the country; to celebrate in family and community the day of the Nicaraguan Mothers; returning to their regular duties on Tuesday, May 31.”


For its part, the Mothers of April Association affirm that May 30 is the day of “National Mourning”, for these mothers and families of victims of repression since 2018, who continue to ask for justice.


The fatalities of May 30, 2018, according to the report of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts GIEI, were: Orlando Daniel Aguirre Córdoba, Jonathan Eduardo Morazán Meza, Dodanim Jared Castiblanco, Maycol Ciprinano González, Daniel Reyes, Heriberto Maudiel Pérez, Rudy Antonio Hernández, Jairo Antonio Osorio, Kevin Antonio Coffin, Juan Alejandro Zepeda, Daniel Steven Gutiérrez, Cruz Alberto Obregón, José Manuel Quintero, Mauricio Ramón López Toruño, Carlos Manuel Díaz, Francisco Javier Reyes Zapata, Edgar Isaac Guevara, Marvin José Meléndez and Darwin Alexander salty

Sofia Mayorga, mother of a victim from exile, in a tribute to the murdered people of Nicaragua, in the Plaza de la Democracia in Costa Rica, she said in response to those designated by the government for Mother’s Day. “The mothers raise our voices amid pain, indignation, persecution, and exile in May 2022, remembering the calls of the mothers of April together with the students in the march of the mothers on April 30. May 2018.”

For her part, Susana López, mother of the young student Gerald Chávez, pointed out that May 30 “is not a celebration, it is not a party… Nicaragua is in Mourning because our children were killed under the order given by Ortega Murillo to shoot to kill. with accurate shots by the police forces, paramilitaries supported by the Sandinista mobs.”

López reiterates the call of the Mothers of April Association to declare May 30 as “National Mourning” for the regime’s denial of not recognizing the crimes against humanity committed, for the denial of investigating the facts and declared a National Holiday on the Day of the Dead. mothers.


“We declare ourselves to be active resistance against impunity, as victims we will continue standing adding solidarity so that those responsible are not only punished but also brought to justice,” said the mothers in exile.


The 56 organizations that join the mothers’ demand also recall that there are more than 170 political prisoners in Nicaraguan prisons. These people are detained with fabricated charges and sentenced to many years in prison, where their relatives have publicly declared “they are in danger for their lives,” due to the acts of torture to which they are subjected.


The signatories of the letter denounce the repression undertaken against the Catholic Church and in particular against Monsignor Rolando Álvarez and Father Harding Padilla. “Their parishes have been victims of vandalism, persecution, suspension of electricity, and have been surrounded by police to prevent access by parishioners and priests.”

Before the repressive acts of the government of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, the organizations make the call to join the Day of Fasting and Prayer that Monsignor Rolando Álvarez is practicing.


The broad statement that, in the face of the resurgence of the aggression against the believing and non-believing people, affected by the lack of access to food, unemployment, and underemployment, the increase in taxes, forced migration, corruption, restlessness, insecurity, and violence, call for demonstrations through civic and peaceful actions, with active resistance as part of our right to protest and rebel.


The population that is in Nicaragua can continue resisting to help suspend the economic income that the dictatorship uses for repression, implementing the measures:


Start and join Progressive Fuel Consumption Stoppages every Wednesday of each week, decisively starting this June 1, 2022.

Day “I turn off a candle” to drastically reduce the consumption of electricity in each of our homes, offices, businesses, and factories for being one of the businesses of the dictatorship.

Consume only essential products, postponing sumptuary affairs to deal with such an economic crisis and weaken the regime’s businesses.

Express solidarity with the mothers who lost their children in the May 30 massacre in different ways and each family, including the gift of an extra flower to Nicaraguan mothers.

Creatively and silently strengthen the organization and internal articulation of the people in active resistance.

Meanwhile, Nicaraguans who are in exile and who are part of the diaspora will continue to press for strong action among themselves.

Demand from the International Community the creation of an effective mechanism to demand the immediate and unconditional release of all the people kidnapped by the regime who are in imminent danger of death.

Organize face-to-face visits, in the first fifteen days of June, before CABEI’s partner governments demand the withdrawal of funds that finance repression.

Bring a single message to the Summit of the Americas to position human rights as the center of concern for the people and governments of the continent and to recognize the illegitimacy of the Ortega Murillo dictatorship and act accordingly

Demand the deepening and expansion of all pressure mechanisms available to the international community to redirect democracy in Nicaragua.

Organize and participate in the World Day of Fasting and Prayer in different cities of the world with the presence of Nicaraguans during June demanding the release of political prisoners and in solidarity with Bishop Rolando Álvarez and with all the persecuted priests for the dictatorship.

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