Catholics, reactivate Lenten activities without leaving aside the protocol against covid


foto: Aciprensa

This Thursday, February 17, the Archdiocese of Managua issued a statement indicating changes to be made in these upcoming Easter and Holy Week celebrations. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the processions have been suspended since 2020 when the first affected people were reported, to avoid crowds and more infections, but this year they are renewed taking into account the recommended biosecurity protection measures. by doctors.

The Catholic Church has taken on great challenges, due to the virus that has left mourning both in the communities and in the temples, several priests died with symptoms associated with Covid-19, which has caused shock in the congregation. The masses were not suspended, but they have had to obey strict regulations to carry them out, including catechisms that have been held online, to protect children in some parishes.


“The responsible attitude that as a Church we have experienced in this time of health crisis, the efforts of all in the field of health and vaccination; but above all with faith and love of God”, states the Archdiocese, adding, it has been decided that processions and community activities will resume, this Lent, Holy Week and on the festivities of the Patron Saints in the parishes.


The Catholic Church warns its parishioners, to protect their lives as has been recommended by putting in “practice the basic protocol itself in times of pandemic in a rigorous manner and especially limit processions in time and distances to travel,” says the statement.


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The vicars and the Presbyteral Council helped Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes make that decision to resume activities, a dynamic that has kept the Catholic Church resisting this pandemic with fearful faithful accustomed to allaying their fears, permanently attending the church and its activities. as a sign of their faith.

Faced with this situation, the priests in their parishes will have an important role as the decision of the Archdiocese to make the parishioners persevere in the faith, “we are going to accompany the parishioners creatively, enriching the devotions with the appropriate catechesis and evangelizing in everything time”, maintain the Catholic authorities.


The news has a warning that must be followed as established by the Catholic leader in the event of a resurgence of the virus, the activities could be canceled again. “If, as a result of the pandemic, a resurgence of the COVID_19 virus or any of its variants occurs in the country, putting public health at risk; the Pastors or Parish Administrators, consulting health specialists, together with their Pastoral Council, must assess with the Vicars Forane and this server the convenience of limiting or canceling the holding of processions or any other pastoral activity”.


Upcoming religious activities


On Saturdays, Lenten pilgrimages will be made to the Christological Sanctuary of Our Lord of Esquipulas in La Conquista – Carazo. This religious activity will be under the coordination of the Vicar Forane and with a delegation of priests and parishioners from each corresponding pastoral zone to avoid a massive presence.


Cardinal Brenes invites those who can provide financial support for the material needs of the Shrine, and to closely follow the broadcasts on Catholic media and networks during moments of community reflection and prayer.


March 8 is the visit of the Image of the Virgin of Fatima that pilgrims, will be carried out following the indications and the program coordinated for this occasion by the Archdiocesan Commission and the Foreign Vicars. “May her passage among us encourage our hope, strengthen fraternity and enliven missionary communion” prays the Archdiocese.

The church resumes its activities, but it will do so in an orderly and segmented manner.


In contrast to the guidelines of the Church that activities are being prepared to prevent more people from becoming infected with COVID-19, the government of Daniel Ortega has convened, since the start of the pandemic, exorbitant recreational activities in all the spas in the country to celebrate the long vacations.


On the other hand, Pope Francis has asked the faithful around the world to pray for those who suffer from the coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19. The same pontiff every day at his Mass in Santa Marta, which is broadcast on the internet, asks God for those affected.

“We are in the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented; but, at the same time, important and necessary, all called to grow together”, the Pope maintained.


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Evidence suggests that church services that follow public health guidelines pose no greater risk of spreading the new coronavirus than similar activities, a medical group has said in previous months.


Handwashing, social distancing, and wearing a mask have helped prevent the spread of COVID-19, even when infected and presymptomatic parishioners participated in Church events.

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