Lludely Aburto: «Women politicians must govern and take the spaces that belong to us»

We spoke with Lludely Aburto Ruiz, the activist, who for many years has worked to seek the empowerment of women, rural areas and youth in Nicaragua and now from her exile in Costa Rica. 
mujeres políticas

Por: Redacción Intertextual/ ,contacto@intertextualcr.com

Lludely Aburto Ruiz, the former substitute deputy in Nicaragua since 1996 and who dared to challenge and denounce a fraud against her in 2001, when she intended to be the candidate for deputy for Managua, today at 57 years old she continues fighting for the empowerment of Women politicians, youth and municipalism, but from exile in Costa Rica .

mujeres políticas

Aburto was forced to leave Nicaragua on October 29, 2021, for Costa Rica, due to threats against her, for the work she has done from the Local Network and the Articulation of Social Movements (AMS), where they advocate declaring her illegitimate the electoral process of that same year that consolidated Daniel Ortega in power along with his wife Rosario Murillo in a fourth consecutive period in power.nnIntertextual spoke with Lludely about her experiences in Nicaraguan politics, the challenges that women face in the exercise of their rights, as well as personal achievements and wishes for a future Nicaragua.

Lludely Aburto and the struggles as women politicians in Nicaraguan

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