Sandinista deputies continue to close NGOs, now the María Elena Cuadra Movement

Fotos: GaleriaNews


In the National Assembly of Nicaragua, made up mostly of Sandinista deputies, with 75 votes in favor and zero against, it canceled this Tuesday, February 15, the legal status of the María Elena Cuadra Movement and five other Non-Governmental Organizations.


The movement of working and unemployed women “María Elena Cuadra”, was founded in May 1994, is an autonomous, broad, pluralistic, non-profit women’s movement that promotes and ensures the incorporation and full participation, in conditions of equality of women in Nicaraguan society, based on the universal principle of equality, freedom and social justice.

The president of the Movement, Sandra Ramos, on the outskirts of the facilities stated “they gave us the International Women’s Day, the chauvinists of the National Assembly, the misogynists, they closed the institution and took away our legal status, but we tell you that here there is a lot of egg, and a lot of dignity and we are going to continue with legal status or they are legal status”.


Ramos, accompanied by the collaborators of the NGO, shouted loudly. “With legal status and without legal status we continue, long live the María Elena Cuadra movement, María Elena Cuadra continues, María Elena Cuadra is not the four walls, we are the hundreds of women who are throughout Nicaragua, we are not afraid,” they shouted women.


The echo of the continuity of the work of the feminist organization has been transmitted on social networks “Under the mango trees…wherever it is and can be there, we will continue to accompany women in their rights to decent employment!”, he wrote in his networks the organization.

The initiative issued by the Ministry of the Interior, Migob and approved by the AN, dictates “These associations and foundations have failed to comply with and hindered the control and surveillance of the Department of Registration and Control of Non-Profit Civil Associations, which is carried out by the Ministry of the Interior, according to the fiscal periods, promoting the lack of transparency in the administration of the funds, ignoring the execution of the same and if it was in accordance with its objectives and purposes for which the National Assembly will grant them legal personality.


Ramos contradicts these assertions, affirming “We have fulfilled our obligations,” he stressed. “It is false that our board of directors is headless, it is false that we are illegal,” he told an independent national media outlet.

The other organizations that were affected by the AN resolution are: the Blanca Aráuz Foundation for the Promotion and Development of Women and Children (Fundemuni), the Nicaraguan Center for the Promotion of Youth and Children and the Ibero-American Foundation for the Cultures (Fibras), the Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights (ANPDH) and the PEN International/Nicaragua Association.


Social networks have been flooded with messages of solidarity addressed to the María Elena Cuadra Movement.


For its part, the Nicaraguan Feminist Movement expressed solidarity with the more than 60 civil society organizations, whose legal entities have been cancelled. In a statement they express “The Ortega-Murilo regime will be able to eliminate and in fact it is doing so…The civil society organizations that make it uncomfortable in its tyrannical drift, but it will not be able to put an end to our firm conviction and commitment to human rights, the women’s rights and democracy.


The youth organizations that are members of the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy expressed their solidarity with Sandra Ramos, director of the María Elena Cuadra Women’s Movement, and with the women leaders of the MEC.


The youth said in their statement, The AN, has severed 6 civil society organizations, including the MEC, through the dispossession of their legal status. “The MEC is an outstanding organization in its work, which for years has stood out in the work of organizing thousands of women around the country regardless of their political, religious or any other creed, they have emphasized economic empowerment , political and social of women in their neighborhoods and communities”.


For these young opposition leaders, the MEC is a benchmark in the grassroots organization for young people who began organizing processes in 2018.

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